Individuals can be put on probation for felony, misdemeanor, or petty misdemeanor offenses. Meeting the obligations of probation can be complicated, confusing, and time consuming. When allegations of violations of that probation are made, those allegations are a various serious matter and incarceration is almost always a real possibility.

Knowledge of how the system works, and the ability to navigate the maze of substance abuse, mental health, and other counseling providers, is vital to successfully managing accusations of probation violations. Richard H.S. Sing has decades of experience working with probation officers, court staff, and the treatment community.

With professional help and guidance, you or a loved one can get things straight with Probation and the Court. Immediate professional intervention is almost always necessary to prevent jail or prison time. Contact Richard H.S. Sing immediately if you are facing allegations of a probation violation.

Contact Us

Protect your rights by immediately seeking professional and experienced advice from the Law Office of Richard H.S. Sing at (808) 537-1529.