Sometimes given the timing or nature of the proceedings, a common appeal is not available or is not the advisable method of addressing a wrongful conviction. Hawaii law provides for some other limited relief in the form of a Petition brought pursuant to Hawaii Rules of Penal Procedure 40 (or Rule 40 Petition). These Petitions are difficult and uncommon. Mr. Sing has the experience, expertise, and skills needed to overturn your wrongful conviction.

Common Grounds for Post Conviction Relief

The judgment was obtained or sentence imposed in violation of the constitution of the United States or of the State of Hawaii

The court which rendered the judgment was without jurisdiction over the person or the subject matter

The sentence was illegal

There is newly discovered evidence

There is any ground which is a basis for collateral attack on the judgment

Contact Us

Protect your rights by immediately seeking professional and experienced advice from the Law Office of Richard H.S. Sing at (808) 537-1529.