Restraining Orders in Hawaii
Court orders that restrain contact and communication with others are becoming more and more prevalent in our community. There are two types of restraining orders in Hawaii; Family Court Orders for Protection, and District Court Injunctions Against Harassment. Thousands of these orders are granted in the State of Hawaii every year.
The issuance of a restraining order against you can have immediate and drastic consequences. Restraining orders can require that you immediately vacate your residence, deny you access to your children, and prevent you from going to your place of work.
Family Court Restraining Orders
Domestic violence is a prevalent and serious problem in our community. As a result, laws and court procedures have been put into place to protect victims of domestic violence with easy to obtain restraining orders called Orders for Protection in the Family Court. You can be temporarily kicked out of your home, denied access to your children, and restrained from contacting your family, all without a hearing. This has led to the serious abuse of this important process by the unscrupulous and desperate.
District Court Restraining Orders
District Court restraining orders (called Injunctions Against Harassment) can be sought against you by anyone who is not a family or household member. Disputes with neighbors, co-workers, and others can lead to a restriction of your fundamental rights and put you at a severe disadvantage. The mere filing of a request for a restraining order will lead to the immediate seizure of any firearms or other weapons that you legally possess.
Contact Us
Protect your rights and family by immediately seeking professional and experienced advice from the Law Office of Richard H.S. Sing at (808) 537-1529.